Get More From Every Scan

Win new customers with trackable QR codes
for your physical marketing campaigns

Drive Traffic

Maximise sales by driving people to your online landing pages.

Convert With Calls-To-Action

Complement your print media and physical presence with QR code calls-to-action that get conversions.

See Who's Scanning

Know exactly when and where your QR codes are being scanned with real-time updates and powerful analytics.

Make The Switch

Leave The Old Way Behind

QR Magic is the QR code marketing platform you've always needed. The old way of tracking physical marketing can't keep up.

Problem 1: Not Trackable
You have no way of knowing whether whether a visit came from a QR code scan, an online link, or a web search.
Problem 2: Not Flexible
You have no way of modifying the destination of your QR codes once they're printed.
Problem 3: Not Connected
Your QR codes are isolated from your other marketing, and what little data you get doesn't flow through to the CRMs or other tools you use.
Frustration without QR Magic
Happy life with QR Magic

Never Look Back

Life with QR Magic

Unlock the magic of QR code marketing to bridge your physical and digital channels.

Solution 1: Detailed Tracking
For the first time ever. See exactly who has scanned, which code, where and when.
Solution 2: Endlessly Flexible
Change the destination of your QR codes as often as you like, without having to reprint your marketing or lose your data.
Solution 3: Fully Connected
Send your data to your CRMs such as Hubspot. Retarget scans through Facebook and Instagram. And create any data flow or automation imaginable with Zapier.

Maximise every scan by tracking, tracing and retargeting customers across multiple channels

Engage more customers in sales funnels or interactive calls-to-action with QR codes in your physical ads, print campaigns and product packaging.

Shopkeeper displaying a QR code

Detailed Tracking

See Who's Scanning

Powerful tracking tools to see who is scanning which codes, when they're scanning and which city they're in.

App screenshot
See which cities people scan your QR codes in.
See scan breakdowns by device type and size, such as iPhone versus Android or tablet versus phone.
Repeat Scans
See how many scans are repeat visitors across any of your QR codes.

Endlessly Flexible

Turn Scans Into Sales

With five powerful destination modes, you can convert right from your scans. Connect your QR codes to any destination and change it at any time!

Web Redirect
People who scan your website will be counted and then redirected to a web address of your choosing. The most common type of QR code.
File Download
Send scans to a file of your choice. Perfect for PDF menus that may need to be updated frequently.
Share your contact details with a single scan. Perfect for business cards or email signatures. Optionally allow viewers provide you with their contact details in return.
Ask for some simple details from people who scan your code. Perfect for events or venues that need to keep track of who is visiting.
Appointment Booking
Let people book an appointment with you. Perfect for service providers or businesses that need to schedule time with their customers.
Scanning a box with a QR code
Happy businessman
Happy woman
Scanning a QR code printed on paper
Two happy women looking at smartphone screens

Fully Connected

Follow-Up Like Magic

Connect your scans to the digital advertising and customer relationship (CRM) platforms you already use.

  • Facebook and Instagram

    Facebook and Instagram


    Show digital ads to people who have scanned your QR codes.

  • Hubspot


    Customer Relationship Management

    Conversion events such as check-ins, appointment bookings will be sent straight to your Hubspot CRM.

  • Zapier



    Send your scan and conversions events to thousands of third-party platforms and automations with Zapier.

  • Google Calendar

    Google Calendar


    Sync booked appointments straight into your Google Calendar and block off new appointments when you're busy.


We send hundreds of physical mail letters each week. Each one is personalised with a unique QR code that makes paying quick and easy. The addition of QR codes has been a game changer.

Edward Winter
Founder of Champion Web